Pat: Hello, Marge.
Marge: Hi, How are you?
Pat: I see you’re shopping.
Marge: Just came by for a few items.
Pat: What’s new with you?
Marge: Nothing much.
Pat: Family good?
Marge: Yeah. Everyone’s fine. And yours?
Pat: Can’t complain. You see Lynn lately?
Marge: No I haven’t. I meant to call her, but I’ve been busy. How’s your husband liking his new job?
Pat: It’s a job, you know.
Marge: Yeah, you’re right. Well, we should get together.
Pat: Let’s set something up. You take care now.
Marge: Nice seeing you. Give everyone my best.
How many empty conversations like this have you overheard over the years? And consider how many you’ve been a party to.